Epic Web Conf '25 Speakers

Josh Cirre

DevRel at Laravel

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  • LDD: Learning Driven Development

    We've got it backwards. We think we need to learn everything before we can build anything meaningful. But every developer's journey tells a different story - one where our greatest learning moments came from diving in and building something we didn't quite know how to build yet. Let's change up how you think about building with Learning Driven Development. It's about embracing the uncertainty of starting before you're "ready." It's about understanding that every error message is a lesson, every Stack Overflow search is a step forward, and every solved problem becomes a permanent part of your developer toolkit. When you build first and learn as you go, something magical happens. Suddenly, you're not memorizing syntax - you're discovering solutions. You're not studying concepts - you're experiencing them. That authentication tutorial you skimmed last month? It didn't stick. But that weekend you spent implementing auth in your side project? That knowledge is yours forever. In this lightning talk I'll challenge you to remember that you don't need to know everything to begin - you just need to begin to know anything.

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Josh builds stuff on the web, teaches people to code, and creates things that hopefully make a difference. He works at Laravel where he helps developers ship better software, while also dedicating time to helping newcomers learn development. When he's not coding or teaching, you'll find him hanging out with his kids and being a dad - his most important role by far.


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Josh Cirre